Lifting the Veil on Mental Health and Trauma in Jackson’s Youth

by Cole Morse The day was shockingly bright, contrasting Anaiya Miggins’ slowly darkening thoughts. On the way to the facility, she watched the trees and cars pass by in a blur. She had just read the green lettering on a sign outside her destination, the name of a mental-health facility in Jackson, Miss., when her […]

Fix Society, Please: LGBT Teens Deserve to Live

Protesters marched around Gov. Phil Bryant’s mansion in protest to House Bill 1523 on Monday, April 4, a day before the governor signed the anti-LGBT bill into law. Photo Courtesy Imani Khayyam [gdlr_space height=”20px”] by Sean Collins [gdlr_space height=”20px”] [gdlr_frame type=”border” align=”left” caption=”Photo by Zaccheus White”][gdlr_image_link type=”image” image_url=”×200.jpg” link_url=”” alt=””][/gdlr_frame] On Dec. 28, 2014, 17-year-old […]