ISSUE FOCUS | Education and Opportunity for Young People

YMP Students writes on various issues in eduation such as teacher pay, lack of civic classes and discrimination in the classroom.
Segregation Poem

by Starlette Simmons It was all about segregation seen throughout the nation. We thought it was over, but it’s time for realization. We had to learn how to stand up and take on a fight for something that is right. We had to look at the world through a different eye. We got on our […]
From Shabbat to Interviewing: Learning So Much So Fast

Sixteen-year-old Darryn Price decided to spend her summer between 11th and 12th grade doing something other than binge-watching Netflix and started living outside her comfort zone- “Shabbat Shalom.” Photo Courtesy Onelia Hawa by Darryn Price [gdlr_frame type=”border” align=”left” caption=”Photo by Zaccheus White”][gdlr_image_link type=”image” image_url=”×300.png” link_url=”” alt=””][/gdlr_frame] I usually spend my summers curled up in bed […]
More Than Brimstone and Bullets: Time to Stop Blaming

At some point or another, a loved one has told you to be careful on ‘that side of town,’ and you begin to wonder what does that even mean. One day, Ryan Perry, a 17-year-old white male, decides to take a solo journey and drives to ‘that side of town.’ What he begins to realize is […]
Genesis Be: Rapping for Change

From Biloxi, Miss. to Brooklyn and back to Mississippi, Genesis Be, a rapper and activist, always makes her way back home. She uses her music to challenge historic and ongoing racial issues that govern politics in her home state. Photo Courtesy Genesis Be by Darryn Price The first time Genesis Be rapped in public, the […]
Is America Really the Land of the Free?

From the time we are bright-eyed, bushy-tailed five-year olds learning our ABCs, we are taught one essential phrase: America is the ‘Land of the Free.’ Growing up as an African American girl with a white best friend, Jordan Mahoney always said she didn’t see race, she saw people, but her mom always told her “It’s more […]
Staring Down the ‘Beast of White Supremacy,’ Then and Now

Four marchers who participated in the “March Against Fear” in 1966 returned to Tougaloo College to talk about black freedom, then and now. (From left: Annie Pearl Avery, Dorie Ladner, Charles McLaurin and Robert Smith) Photo Courtesty Imani Khayyam by Jordan Mahoney The rain had stopped pouring earlier on the morning of June 7, 1966. […]
Past and Present Meet at Home of Medgar Evers

Reena Evers-Everette speaks to Operation Understanding D.C., a group of black and Jewish teens from the nation’s capital on a civil-rights tour of the South, at the site of her father’s, Medgar Evers, death at her childhood home in Jackson, Miss. by Jennifer Shields Little Reena Denise Evers, her mother Myrlie and her two brothers were all […]